Last Updated on March 18, 2023 by Mary
Two truths and a Lie is a fun game and it becomes more fun if the retiree is a darling and loved by everyone. This game can be played by sharing two truths and a lie either about the player or about the guest of honor. This retirement version of this game will encourage the players to share two truths and one lie about the retiree.
I am sharing two designs for the Free printable Two Truths and a Lie Retirement Party Game and you can print this game in any design that you like more.

How to Play
Distribute the game cards among the players and ask them to write three statements about the retiree. Two of these statements should be true and one should be a lie. When everyone has finished writing, each of them will stand up and read those statements one by one, and the rest of the guests will raise their hands if they consider a statement a lie. Then the guest who is reading the statements will share the one that is actually a lie. At that point, all the players who have guessed it correctly should give themselves 1 point. In the end, the guest with the most points wins.
Free Printable Two Truths and a Lie Retirement Party Game

Two Truths and a Lie Retirement Party Game Printable