Free Printable Martin Luther King Jr. Trivia Quiz with Answer Key

Last Updated on September 11, 2022 by Mary

Today I am sharing Free Printable Martin Luther King Jr. Trivia Quiz with Answer Key. King was the chief spokesperson for nonviolent activism in the Civil Rights Movement, which protested racial discrimination in federal and state law. The campaign for a federal holiday in King’s honor began soon after his assassination in 1968. MLK Jr. day is celebrated each year to mark the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. I have made a trivia quiz for this day and I am also sharing an answer key to this quiz at the end of this page. I have made the quiz sheets in two different designs and you can print the quiz in the design that you like more.

Free Printable Martin Luther King Jr. Trivia Quiz with Answer Key

How to Play

Print and distribute the MLK Jr. trivia quiz sheets among the players. There are 12 multiple-choice questions. Ask the players to check the right answer among the choices that are given below each question. Collect the sheets and check the answers that are given by the players. The person with the most correct answers wins.

Free Printable Martin Luther King Jr. Trivia Quiz

Free Printable Martin Luther King Jr. Trivia Quiz

Here is the first printable sheet for this trivia quiz. This is a simple design. The quiz sheet has a check pattern in the background and a US flag to make it look pretty. Just click or tap on this thumbnail image and save the bigger printable sheet.

Martin Luther King Jr. Trivia Quiz Free Printable

Martin Luther King Jr. Trivia Quiz Free Printable

Here is the second design for this Martin Luther King Junior Day Trivia quiz and this sheet has a red and white striped border. You can print the quiz in this design if you like it more.

Martin Luther King Jr. Trivia Quiz Answer Key

Martin Luther King Jr. Trivia Quiz Answer Key

Here is the answer key to this trivia quiz. All the correct answers are highlighted in red color. You need to print just one copy of this answer key. You can also save this answer sheet to your cellphone or tablet as the only purpose is to use it as a reference to check the answers.

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