Last Updated on April 16, 2021 by Mary
Today I have made Free Printable Harry Potter Trivia Quiz with Answer Key. There are 15 multiple choice trivia questions and the players will have to choose the right answers from the given options. You can play this game at your harry potter themed party whether it is a birthday party or any other get-together. Only true Harry Potter fans will be able to answer these questions correctly. I have made the printable sheets for this game in two different designs. Both sheets have the same questions but the designs are different. You can print the game in the design of your choice.

How to Play
Print the trivia quiz in the design of your choice and distribute the printed sheets among the players. You should also give the players a pen or a pencil. Ask the players to check the right answers from the choices given under each question. Then either collect the worksheets and check their answers or announce the answers and ask them to score themselves. The person with the most correct answers will win.
Free Printable Harry Potter Trivia Quiz

This is the first free printable sheet for this Harry Potter trivia quiz. This game sheet is decorated with adorable images related to Harry Potter. Click or tap on this thumbnail image and the bigger printable image will open up that you can print or save.
Harry Potter Trivia Quiz Printable

Here is another design for free printable Harry Potter trivia quiz. This sheet is decorated with a cute Harry Potter Face. Just click or tap on this image and save the bigger printable one.
Harry Potter Trivia Quiz Answer Key

Here is the answer key to this Harry Potter trivia quiz. All the correct answers are highlighted with red color. You will need this answer key to check the answers given by the guests. Just tap or click on this image and save the bigger image. You can also keep it saved in your tablet or cellphone and use the image to check the answers when needed.